Rules (DQ)

Combining two or more islands during a map to increase island value, improve efficiency, or gain other benefits is not permitted.
Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in value getting removed, Admin discretion, and disqualifications.
Alt Advantages / Limitations
Alts may only be used for community or AFK purposes and are prohibited from participating in any leaderboard activities. Each island is allowed only one alt island for community use, which must never appear on /is top.
Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in value getting removed, Admin discretion, and disqualifications.
Teaming Offenses
If a player uses major blacklisted modifications while assisting an island with Outpost/KOTH, the player who broke the rule will be banned accordingly. Additionally, the island that assisted or teamed with the player will receive a strike based on the severity of the offense.
Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in value getting removed, Admin discretion, and disqualifications.
Unfair Trading of Value
Unfairly trading for value is strictly forbidden. All forms of value must be traded at reasonable prices that align with the server's economy.
Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in trades being reversed, Admin discretion, and disqualifications.
Island Boosting
Boosting another island in any way is not allowed. Boosting refers to assisting a team or player to gain an unfair advantage over others. This includes, but is not limited to, buying or selling value/items at unreasonably low or high prices compared to the normal market value.
Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in value getting removed, Admin discretion, and disqualifications.
Disqualification Evasion
Disqualification evasion is strictly prohibited within our Network. This includes, but is not limited to, disqualified islands selling value to others at low prices, creating new islands to compete for /is top, or joining other islands to assist in gaining payouts.
Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in value getting removed, temporary bans, Admin discretion, and disqualifications.
Admin Discretion
Islands may be disqualified for reasons not explicitly stated above if deemed unfair or if they violate the integrity of the Network.
Punishments: Admin Discretion