Rules (Chat)

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Chat Disruption

Disrupting public chat with spam, excessive advertisements, speaking languages other than English in the main chat, encouraging spam, and abusing the rank perk of no cooldown (sending 3+ messages in a row) are prohibited.

Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in actions such as warnings or temporary mutes.

Severe Chat Disruption

Mass spam (sending 5 or more messages in quick succession) and inciting chat riots are not allowed.

Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in temporary mutes.


Any form of rude, shaming, demeaning, humiliating, spiteful, or patronizing comments or behavior toward another player, staff member, or the network will not be tolerated.

Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in temporary mutes.


General trolling, including trolling in applications or tickets, exploiting loopholes in the rules, impersonating others with malicious intent, trolling staff, and similar behavior is not tolerated.

Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in temporary mutes.

Touchy Subjects

Any form of racism, homophobia, transphobia, hate speech, pedophilia, intrusive behavior, death threats, suicide jokes, grooming, extremist propaganda, or discriminatory jokes— including the use of derogatory terms and phrases— will not be tolerated on PvPWars under any circumstances.

Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in temporary mutes.

Malicious Jokes

Any joke involving DDoSing, doxing, or swatting is strictly prohibited.

Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in temporary or permanent mutes.

Malicious Activity

Doxxing, DDoSing, swatting, sending malicious links, hacking or cracking into another player's account without their consent, and using malicious blackmail are strictly prohibited.

Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in permanent bans.


Advertising another server with the intention of directing players to that server is prohibited. This also includes promoting streams that are not related to or focused on PvPWars.

Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in permanent bans.

Mute Evasion

Speaking on an alternate account while your main account is muted, as well as abusing other chat functions like shop advertisements, Book n’ Quill, and similar features, is prohibited.

Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in temporary mutes.

Voice Chat Misconduct

All players must follow the rules when using any voice chat associated with our Network, including platforms like Discord, Feather, Laby, and others.

Punishments: Violations of this rule will result in temporary bans.

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