If you need Support click on the banner above, and go to the #Support channel in discord.

General Rules

  • Be nice to other members.
  • Harassment and abuse is not allowed.
  • Discrimination and hate speech is not allowed.
  • No excessive spamming.
  • Avoid pinging YouTubers and Pvpwars Staff for no good reason.
  • Inappropriate Avatars, Name and statuses are not allowed.
  • Links outside of the Pvpwars Network, Store, or Support are not allowed.
  • Do not share personal information, yours or someone else's
  • Do not discuss NSFW, sexual or similar topics.
  • Due to Discord's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines, anyone stating they are under 13 years of age will be banned permanently. Jokes included.

Punishments: Violations of any of these rules will result in actions such as temporary mutes, temporary bans, or permanent bans.

Chat Rules

All Chat Rules also apply to Discord.

Go back to all rules by click on the banner above.